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Home ACTIVITIES VISITS - BRIEFINGS Visit by the 2nd Deputy Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff (Jul 15, 2014)
Visit by the 2nd Deputy Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff (Jul 15, 2014) PDF Print E-mail
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On Tuesday, the 15th of July 2014, the 2nd Deputy Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Mr. Alexandros Ikonomou, accompanied by the Director of 3rd Department of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Major General Mr. Georgios Voulgaris, and the Director of Infrastructure Directorate, Brigadier General Mr. Nikolaos Lalos, as well as a team of Seniors from the same Directorate, visited the National Defence Fund (NDF) in a common collaboration contact.

During the visit, they were informed in depth from the NDF Director, Major General Georgios Stathias, about the NDF’s mission, strategy and goals as it is responsible for the administration and rational utilization of the Greek General Staff's as well as the Ministry of National Defence ‘s real estate.

After the briefing, a meeting took place, -under the direction of the 2nd Deputy Chief-, consisting of members from the NDF and the Infrastructure Directorate as well. The scope of the meeting was the coordination of the pending NDF’s programs.

The visit concluded with giving commemoratives and a brief speech by the Deputy Chief towards NDF’s political and military staff.



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